CPT Code: 82947
Test Type: 1.0 mL Serum Kit Based
Stability Time:


Refrigerated:  5 days


Insulin is a hormone responsible for the transportation and storage of glucose in cells. It regulates glucose levels in blood. This test measures the amount of insulin in blood.



Insulin may be used in conjunction with glucose or glucose tolerance test to:

  • Diagnose insulin resistance
  • Diagnose insuloma
  • Monitor amount of endogenous insulin production
  • Determine when a type 2 diabetic may need to start insulin therapy 
  • Presence of insulin resistance indicates a higher risk to develop:1
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Hyperlipidemia
  • Heart disease
  • High doses of biotin (> 5 mg/day) may interfere with assay results. Patient assumed to be refraining from biotin supplementation for at least 3 days prior to blood draw.


  1. Haff ner S. Relationship of Metabolic Risk Factors and Development of Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes. Obesity. 2006;14(Suppl 3):121S-127S.

Collection Details:

Collection Instructions:

Preferred Specimen

1.0 mL serum (0.5 mL minimum) collected in serum separator tube (SST/Tiger Top)

Transport Temperature

Refrigerated (ship on frozen cold packs