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Brain health, or cognitive health, refers to remembering, learning new things, planning, concentrating, or making decisions. When cognitive health is impaired (referred to as cognitive impairment), a person has trouble with these skills that affect the things they can do in everyday life. People of all ages can experience cognitive impairment, which can range from mild to severe.
“Cognitive health has emerged as an important public health concern for America’s aging population. Although much variability occurs in cognitive performance and the rate of change throughout the aging process in healthy older adults, impaired cognitive functioning can be associated with a decline in quality of life, personal relationships, and independence. These changes in language, memory, learning, attention, and executive function ability often result in increased health care needs as well as major caregiving and financial challenges. In addition, cognitive difficulties frequently co-exist with other health conditions that affect well-being at older ages.” [i]
Specific blood tests can help evaluate for treatable conditions that may contribute to changes in thinking or memory. For example, the CBC and iron panel can assess for anemia, which can cause fatigue and thinking difficulties. The comprehensive metabolic panel can help assess for electrolyte imbalance, blood glucose dysregulation, and kidney and liver dysfunction, all of which can lead to memory impairment and an alteration in cognition. Thyroid dysfunction can lead to memory impairment and difficulty in mental processing, while vitamin B12 deficiency can also cause various symptoms, including cognitive and psychiatric symptoms.
This panel was created to assess risk factors associated with cognitive decline along with overall health and healthy aging. Specific tests measured in this panel are related to the risk of cognitive decline and dementia, such as the APOE Alzheimer’s Risk test, HLA DR1/3/4/5 DQ, thyroid function, cardiovascular biomarkers such as the NMR LipoProfile, hs-CRP, fibrinogen activity, and Omega3/Omega 6 fatty acids, vitamin B2 and folate, and homocysteine as well as the standard blood test markers such as the CBC with differential, comprehensive metabolic panel, iron panel, vitamin D, and magnesium.
It is essential to note Alzheimer’s disease is a complex neurodegenerative disease that is caused by a combination of genetic, epigenetic, and environmental influences. For this reason, the panel includes the APOE allele, a strong genetic risk factor, and the HLA-DRB1/DQB1 genetic test. HLA-DRB1/DQB1 gene variants appear to participate in the neuronal degeneration of AD-associated brain regions. Also, HLA antigens may correlate with particular disease states or other clinical conditions.
Hormones are regulators of the human body and serve critical functions to maintain various processes, such as growth, emotions, and even cognition. As a result, this panel also includes an assessment of estradiol and testosterone.
This panel comes with a free* Functional Health Report when Evexia Nutraceuticals are recommended.
*A $5 fee is applied when recommendations other than Evexia Nutraceuticals are selected.
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