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More than 28 million Americans suffer from arthritis and other joint diseases. There are many types of arthritis, but the major categories include osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and juvenile arthritis. Arthritis is a general term describing conditions that affect one or more joints and the tissues around joints. Classic symptoms of arthritis include joint pain, swelling, stiffness, and redness. However, there are over 100 types of arthritis with different signs and symptoms. Arthritis may be due to gradual wear and tear on the joints or result from an autoimmune disorder, but can also be triggered by injury (such as a fracture) or infection (viral, bacterial, or fungal).
According to the American College of Rheumatology, measurements of Rheumatoid Arthritis Factor (RF), anti-CCP, ESR, and CRP are part of the diagnostic algorithm. In order to definitively classify a patient as having or not having RA, a history of symptom duration, a thorough joint evaluation, and at least one serologic test (RF or anti-CCP) and one acute-phase response measure (ESR or CRP) must be obtained.
The Evexia Diagnostics Complete Arthritis Profile provides a robust assessment of markers related to this clinical condition. This profile includes a complete blood count, the inflammatory marker C-Reactive Protein, and several markers more specific to arthritis, such as Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide (CCP) Antibodies (IgG/IgA), Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Factor, Modified Westergren Sedimentation Rate (ESR), and others.
The Complete Blood Count with Differential helps to give an overall view of general health and screens for a broad scope of diseases and conditions, as well as the body's ability to defend against infection.
CRP is an acute-phase reactant, which can be used as a test for inflammatory diseases, infections, and neoplastic diseases. Progressive increases correlate with increases of inflammation/injury. CRP is a more sensitive, rapidly responding indicator than ESR. CRP may be used to detect early postoperative wound infection and to follow a therapeutic response to anti-inflammatory agents. Recent reports have indicated that a highly sensitive version of the CRP assay may be used as an additional indicator of susceptibility to cardiac disease.
The presence of CCP antibodies, when considered in conjunction with other laboratory and clinical findings, is an aid in the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Approximately 70% of RA patients are positive for anti-CCP IgG, while only 2% of random blood donors and control subjects are positive.
Rheumatoid factors are antibodies directed against the Fc fragment of IgG. These are usually IgM antibodies, but could also be IgG or IgA. Rheumatoid factor is present in the serum of a majority of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Many rheumatic conditions and other chronic inflammatory processes also may produce rheumatoid factors. The presence of rheumatoid factor, especially in low titer, is far from diagnostic for rheumatoid arthritis. Furthermore, with increasing age, people with no clinical illness may have rheumatoid factor. The presence of IgM RFs has been reported in as much as 10% of the healthy population. Statistically, patients with rheumatoid arthritis who have high titer rheumatoid factor are more likely to have severe disease and systemic involvement than other patients.
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