Deaminated Gliadin Antibodies, IgA and IgG

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CPT Code: 83516(x2)
Test Type: 1 mL, Serum
Stability Time:
Temperature Period
Freeze 14 days
Room 14 days  
Refrigerator 14 days  
Freeze/thaw cycles Stable x3  


Detection of gliadin antibodies aids in the diagnosis and monitoring of certain gluten-sensitive enteropathies, such as celiac disease and dermatitis herpetiformis A negative IgA result in an untreated patient does not rule out gluten-sensitive enteropathies, especially when associated with IgG gliadin antibodies. This can be explained by selective IgA deficiency, a relatively frequent finding in celiac disease. False-positives are possible as other gastrointestinal disorders are known to induce circulating antigliadin antibody, mainly Crohn disease, food protein intolerance, and postinfection malabsorption.

Reflex Conditions
161652 Deamidated Gliadin Abs, IgA
161693 Deamidated Gliadin Abs, IgG

Collection Details:

Patient Preparation:

The patient should remain seated and not smoke throughout the test. Patient needs to have fasted 12 hours prior to test.

Collection Instructions:

Red-top tube or gel-barrier tube.

Specimen should be free of bacterial contamination, hemolysis, and lipemia.

Room temperature.