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Negative: <1:2
Aid in the diagnosis of cryptococcosis.
Usefulness of test is limited to the ability of the host to make antibodies in response to the infection. Negative results do not rule out infection.
Agglutination titers =1:2 are suggestive of infection with Cryptococcus neoformans. Agglutinins may be detected early in the course of the disease but if the disease progresses, excess antigen may be produced which renders antibodies undetectable. With effective chemotherapy, the antigen titer declines and antibody may once again be demonstrated. Antibodies may persist for long periods even after cessation of chemotherapy.
Collection Instructions:
Gel-barrier tube or red-top tube.
Refrigerate. Specimen can be stored at 2°C to 8°C for 72 hours. Freeze for longer storage.
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