Complete Blood Count ( CBC ) w/Diff (720)

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CPT Code: 85025
Test Type: 1.0 mL Whole Blood Kit Based
Stability Time:


Refrigerated: 2 days (sample must be received within 2 days of collection)

Reference Range:


  • Low: <1.50 x10E3/µL
  • High: >7.80 x10E3/µL


  • Low: <0.85 x10E3/µL
  • High: >3.90 x10E3/µL


  • Low: <0.20 x10E3/µL
  • High: >0.95 x10E3/µL


  • Low: <0.00 x10E3/µL
  • High: >0.50 x10E3/µL


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Measures and reports the following: White Blood Count (WBC), Red Blood Count (RBW), Hemoglobin, Hematocrit, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW, Platelets, MPV

Review the section on Complete Blood Count for details on the components listed above.

Differential includes:

Neutrophils: Measures the number of neutrophils which are the most abundant white blood cell in healthy adults and are the body’s main defense against bacterial, viral and fungal infections.

Lymphocytes: Measures the number of lymphocytes, which are white blood cells that include B-cells, T-cells, and natural killer cells.

Monocytes: Measures the number of monocytes which are white blood cells that engulf bacteria and other foreign particles.

Eosinophils: Measures the number of eosinophils which are white blood cells that respond to infections caused by parasites, play a role in allergic reactions, and control the extent of immune responses and inflammation.

Basophils: Measures that number of basophils which are white blood cells that are involved in allergic reactions

Differential also includes the following (if identified):
Immature granulocytes, Atypical lymphocytes, Bands, Metamyelocytes, Myelocytes, Promyelocytes, Bands, Plasmacytes, Nucleated RBC, RBC Morphology, Smear Review


Impedance and Flow Cytometry

Neutrophils: High levels of neutrophils can be caused by acute bacterial, viral or fungal infections, inflammatory diseases, physiological stress, rigorous exercise, smoking, and chronic leukemia. Low levels of neutrophils can be caused by myelodysplastic syndrome, medications, autoimmune disorders, cancers, and aplastic anemia.

  • Lymphocytes: High levels of lymphocytes may be seen in acute viral infections and certain bacterial infections. Low levels can be seen in autoimmune disorders, bone marrow damage, and immune deficiency.
  •  Monocytes: High levels of monocytes, monocytosis, can be caused by chronic infections, autoimmune diseases, monocytic leukemia, and chronic myelomonocytic leukemia. Low levels of monocytes, monocytopenia, can be caused by bone marrow damage or failure or hairy-cell leukemia.
  •  Eosinophils: High levels of eosinophils, eosinophilia, can be caused by asthma, allergies, drug reactions, eczema, dermatitis, parasitic infections, inflammatory disorders, and certain cancers. High levels of eosinopils, eosinopenia, on one or just occasionally is usually not medically significant.
  •  Basophils: High levels of basophils, basophilia, can be caused by allergic reactions, food allergies, autoimmune diseases and chronic myeloid leukemia. Low levels of basophils, basopenia, is usually not medically significant.

Collection Details:

Collection Instructions:

Preferred Specimen

1.0 mL whole blood collected in EDTA (Lavender Top)

Transport Temperature



Refrigerated: 2 days (sample must be received within 2 days of collection)