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Temperature |
Period |
Room temperature |
14 days |
Refrigerated |
14 days |
Frozen |
14 days |
Freeze/thaw cycles |
Stable x3 |
Aid in the diagnosis of gluten-sensitive enteropathies.
Celiac disease is a gluten enteropathy occurring in both children and adults. The disease is probably underdiagnosed in that it may affect as much as 1% of the population in the US. The condition is characterized by a sensitivity to gluten (found in wheat, barley, and rye) that causes inflammation and atrophy of the villi of the small intestine, malabsorption, etc. This sensitivity to gluten may also be seen in dermatitis herpetiformis. Strict avoidance of gluten in the diet will control disease activity, and antibodies to serum markers will disappear with time.
Agardh D. Antibodies against synthetic deamidated gliadin peptides and tissue transglutaminase for the identification of childhood celiac disease. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2007 Nov; 5(11):1276-1281. PubMed 17683995
Baigi F, Pezzimenti D, Campanella J, et al. Endomysial and tissue transglutaminase antibodies in coeliac sera: A comparison not influenced by previous serological testing. Scand J Gastroenterol. 2001 Sep; 36(9):955-958. PubMed 11521986
Bürgin-Wolff A, Gaze H, Hadziselimovic F, et al. Antigliadin and antiendomysium antibody determination for coeliac disease. Arch Dis Child. 1991 Aug; 66(8):941-947. PubMed 1819255
Calabuig M, Torregosa R, Polo P, et al. Serological markers and celiac disease: A new diagnostic approach? Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 1990 May; 10(4):435-442. PubMed 2193137
Green PH, Jabri B. Coeliac disease. Lancet. 2003 Aug 2; 362(9381):383-391. PubMed 12907013
Hill ID, Dirks MH, Liptak GS, et al. Guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of celiac disease in children: recommendations of the North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2005 Jan; 40(1):1-19. PubMed 15625418
Kaukinen K, Collin P, Laurila K, Kaartinen T, Partanen J, Mäki M. Resurrection of gliadin antibodies in coeliac disease. Deamidated gliadin peptide antibody test provides additional diagnostic benefit. Scand J Gastroenterol. 2007 Dec; 42(12):1428-1433. PubMed 17852878
National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Conference Statement on Celiac Disease, 2004.
Pruessner HT. Detecting celiac disease in your patients. Am Fam Physician. 1998 Mar 1; 57(5):1023-1034, 1039-1041. PubMed 9518950
Collection Instructions:
Red-top tube or gel-barrier tube.
Room temperature.
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