Test Type: Kit based, Buccal Swab


The Kashi Cardiac Health Panel gives insight into how a patient’s genetic predisposition to cardiac problems can help healthcare providers optimize diagnosis and treatment. Cardiovascular disease is a leading contributor to morbidity and mortality, with over 17 million deaths occurring annually worldwide. Risk increases in adults over the age of 60, and in part is attributable to inherited genetic makeup.

Cardiovascular disease – which includes coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, peripheral artery disease, and atherosclerosis – is heavily influenced by factors such as insulin resistance, hypertension, dyslipidemia, inflammation, and coagulation properties. Many of these factors can be mitigated by lifestyle changes including smoking cessation, increasing aerobic exercise, and eating a well-balanced diet, which can reduce the risk of catastrophic events such as myocardial infarction, or ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke. However, in some cases, particularly where family history of cardiovascular disease is prevalent, medications or more targeted lifestyle interventions are needed to better manage health outcomes.

Ideal Candidates are Patients with the Following Symptoms or Conditions

  • Treatment-resistant hypertension
  • Poor control over cholesterol levels
  • Personal history of angina, DVT, PE, CHF, MI or CVA
  • Introduction of new statin medications
  • Family history of cardiovascular disease
  • Stroke or heart disease in the young
  • Idiopathic cardiovascular disease

Collection Details:

Collection Instructions:

1. Please fill out all sections of the requisition form provided in your kit.

2. Rinse your mouth with cold water before you begin collecting your sample and then swallow to remove excess saliva.

3. Open one swab at a time and collect the sample by rubbing the swab on the inside of your cheek about 20 times or for 15-20 seconds in a circular motion. Swab firmly so that the cheek is pushed outward.

4. Dry the swab by shaking it in the air for 10-20 seconds.

5. Place the dried swab back in its original sleeve.

6. Use the other cheek for the next swabs. Repeat the same process for the rest of the swabs.  Collect sample on all 3 swabs.

6. Place the swab sleeves containing the dry swabs and Requisition Form in the Kashi paper envelope included in the kit.

7. [Important] Sign and fill in your name and date of sample collection on the envelope.

8. Ship the test kit back to the laboratory using the shipping mailer provided.