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We offer a full Candida panel, or single antibody testing of IgG and IgA as an add-on to our food panels.
Testing Process
Our Candida antibodies and antigen panel is a semi-quantitative ELISA analysis of Candida, IgG, IgM, and IgA antibodies specific to Candida antigen.
Specimens are tested in duplicate on ELISA platform. The antibodies, once bound to Candida antigen, are detected through spectrophotometric analysis wherein the values are directly proportional to the concentration of the analytes in the sample.
Collection Instructions
1. Clearly print Patient Name (First & Last), Date of Birth & Specimen Collection Date on Serum Transfer Tube.
2. Draw the blood utilizing the Red Top Vacutainer tubes provided. 1 fully drawn Red Tube Vacutainer OR Serum Separating Tubes (SST) will usually yield about 3-4 mL of serum.
3. Allow the blood to clot at ambient temperature for 30 minutes.
4. Centrifuge at 3000 RPM for 15 minutes.
5. With the Disposable Transfer Pipette, transfer serum from the Red Top Vacutainer into Serum Transfer Tube. Do NOT transfer red blood cells to the Serum Transfer Tube.
6. Secure tightly.
7. Wrap Serum Transfer Tube with Absorbent Pad and seal.
8. Place Serum Transfer Tube into the Small Resealable Bag.
9. Place this Bag into the Provided Biohazard Bag.
10. Put the completed requisition form in the outside pocket of the Biohazard Bag.
11. Place the Biohazard Bag with all contents into the Crush-Proof Cardboard Box.
12. Put the Crush-Proof Cardboard Box into the FedEx Express Clinical Pak. Seal securely.
Collection Instructions:
1. Clearly print Patient Name (First & Last), Date of Birth & Specimen Collection Date on Serum Separator Tube.
2. Draw the blood in 2 Serum Separating Tubes (SST) will usually yield about 3-4 mL of serum.
3. Allow the blood to clot at ambient temperature for 30 minutes.
4. Centrifuge at 3000 RPM for 15 minutes.
5. Wrap SST tube with Absorbent Pad and seal.
6. Place SST Tube into the Small Resealable Bag.
7. Place this Bag into the Provided Biohazard Bag.
8. Put the completed requisition form in the outside pocket of the Biohazard Bag.
9. Place the Biohazard Bag with all contents into the Crush-Proof Cardboard Box.
10. Put the Crush-Proof Cardboard Box into the FedEx Express Clinical Pak. Seal securely.
Take advantage of all the time and money-saving features that Evexia Diagnostics has to offer. Simply click the button below to get started.
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