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Register Now1 week at 4 degrees Celsius (refrigerate). These stabilities offer you the ability to draw on a Friday, and ship the samples on Monday. We ask that they are received by the laboratory within 6 days of collection. Do NOT freeze samples.
Seasonal vs. Perennial Allergies
Seasonal allergies that occur during certain times of the year are usually caused by outdoor allergens such as mold spores, and pollen released by trees, grass, and weeds.
Perennial allergies that occur any time of the year, or the entire year, are usually in response to something in the home, such as dust mites, mold, fabrics, animal or insects.
Patient Preparation:
Click here for collection instructions
Collection Instructions:
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Collection instructions:
Shipping Instructions
Take advantage of all the time and money-saving features that Evexia Diagnostics has to offer. Simply click the button below to get started.
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