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Register Now1 week at 4 degrees Celsius (refrigerate). These stabilities offer you the ability to draw on a Friday, and ship the samples on Monday. We ask that they are received by the laboratory within 6 days of collection. Do NOT freeze samples.
Various Antibodies and Their Meaning
IgG (immunoglobulin G, total) are antibodies that provide long-term resistance to infections and have a much longer half-life than an IgE allergy. This food sensitivity can be more subtle, and many people live with it for years, if not their entire lives. Sensitivity symptoms range from fatigue, headache/nausea, seizures, hyperactivity, bloating, mood changes, or dark circles under the eyes. IgG symptoms typically occur within 3-72 hours after the offending food was ingested and they will create ongoing inflammation that can make most conditions worse. Because they can present at such varied times, it is hard to isolate from a diet history alone, and testing becomes particularly useful.
The degree and severity of symptoms vary greatly from person to person because of genetic makeup. The complete elimination of IgG positive foods may bring about important improvements in symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, autism, ADHD, cystic fibrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and epilepsy, as demonstrated in numerous clinical studies. It is important to get tested for food sensitivities to know what foods work for the patient’s body and what foods don’t. If you are only looking at allergies, or IgE, then you would miss the IgG mediated symptoms, creating an incomplete patient picture.
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