March 6th, 2024 |  EMR-EHR, Practice Management

James Maskell & Seth Conger

With practitioner burnout becoming more and more common, one of the root causes in the functional medicine space is decision fatigue, driven by the hyper-individualization of protocols. In this special webinar, in a series of four in 2024, join James Maskell and Seth Conger as they share cures for the common ailments of functional practices. Decision fatigue is reversible - it just needs a systems approach. Evexia and Vibility have built a system to organize your patient care systematically.
Seth Conger has been a business leader and innovator in the Functional Medicine space since 2013 including leading a seven-figure practice to a successful exit, being published for his team’s work in reversing cognitive decline and creating the first venture-funded startup in the Alzheimer’s space taking a functional approach to health improvement and disease process reversal. Prior to his time in the health promotion industry, Seth worked for the largest global event marketing company, creating and supporting major campaigns for multi-national brands.
James Maskell's mission is to flatten the curve of healthcare costs, he has spent the past decade innovating at the cross section of functional medicine and community. To that end, he created the Functional Forum, the world’s largest integrative medicine conference with record-setting participation online and growing physician communities around the world. His organization and best selling book of the same name, Evolution of Medicine, prepares health professionals for this new era of personalized, participatory medicine. In 2017 James founded Knew Health, an innovative medical cost sharing company that serves as an alternative to health insurance for health conscious consumers. 

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