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Register NowDr. Wayne L. Sodano, DC, DABCI, DACBN, CFMP, CIHP, BCTN
Brain health, or cognitive health, refers to remembering, learning new things, planning, concentrating, or making decisions. When cognitive health is impaired (referred to as cognitive impairment), a person has trouble with these skills that affect the things they can do in everyday life. People of all ages can experience cognitive impairment, which can range from mild to severe.
These panels were created to assess risk factors associated with cognitive decline, overall health, and healthy aging. Specific tests measured in this panel are related to the risk of cognitive decline and dementia, such as the APOE Alzheimer’s Risk test, HLA DR1/3/4/5 DQ, thyroid function, cardiovascular biomarkers such as the NMR LipoProfile, hs-CRP, fibrinogen activity, and Omega3/Omega 6 fatty acids, vitamin B2 and folate, and homocysteine, as well as the standard blood tests markers such as the CBC with differential, comprehensive metabolic panel, iron panel, vitamin D, and magnesium.
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